
Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Other Boleyn Girl Movie Review

Well this movie was pretty good. Mainly, because it didn't get real swept up on everyone being prim and proper. A lot of the characters were really evil. It is crazy to think that these were real events. The good news is that we got away from all the imbreeding and insanity taking place in Great Britian.

I recommend seeing this movie but only if you don't have a lot of other options. I am still putting movie like Semi Pro and the Bank Job above this one. By the way there is not nudity in The Other Boleyn Girl and a ton of it in the Bank Job. I don't recommend one of the other even though I thought the Bank Job was a really good movie. Funny now that I think about it there are two movies out about British royal scandals.

This movie mainly points out how much of dick King Henry was and that the Boleyn family were a bunch of crazies. The movie is almost disgusting.

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